roasted chicken

Oven Roasted Chicken

This juicy roasted chicken recipe is perfect for beginners or for those days where you want a quick and delicious dinner with the family. Our roaster cooks the chicken perfect every single time.

Your Key Ingredient:

NESCO Roaster Oven

Grocery Ingredients:

  • 3 lb. bird
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 tbs. garlic powder
  • 1 tbs. Cajun seasoning

(Ingredients good for 3 lb. bird)


  1. Set rack in cookwell. Preheat NESCO® Roaster Oven to 425º F.
  2. Rub skin with butter; rub on seasonings.
  3. Lightly wipe cookwell and rack with cooking oil.
  4. Place chicken on rack in preheated cookwell.
  5. Cover; roast 1 to 1½ hours (180ºF on meat thermometer in thickest part of thigh).